Interested in Mercury Science and Policy? Follow Our Blog and Twitter!

We’re a team of MIT students and faculty who are attending the UN INC5 negotiations for a global treaty on mercury, which are taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 13-18 January, 2013. Our goal is to help inform negotiators, scientists, and the general public with the latest scientific findings on mercury of relevance to the treaty process.

Our trip is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation as part of a research grant to Prof. Noelle Selin. More info here.

Follow us on our blog and twitter (@MITMercury) as we discuss issues related to mercury science and international policy making, and provide real-time reporting on the negotiations.


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About Noelle Selin

I am Assistant Professor of Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with a joint appointment as Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. I am also affiliated with the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change. My research focuses on using atmospheric chemistry modeling to inform decision-making strategies on air pollution, climate change and mercury pollution.

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